Ethimex LTD will comply with all relevant and applicable local and international labour regulations, treaties, conventions and principles relating to the protection, welfare and health & safety of children. Furthermore, the Company will not employ any person deemed by local or international laws, conventions or regulations to be a child in any capacity in any industrial operation under its control.
As a good corporate citizen, the Company is committed to the principles of protecting children from child labour exploitation. The Company believes that their future development and that of the communities and countries in which they live is best served through education not child labour.
This is a commitment the Company seeks to apply throughout the supply chain, from raw ethanol and the provision of materials, to the distribution and sale of ethanol, as well as to the recovery and disposal of waste materials.
The Company acknowledges that it is sometimes customary in agricultural communities for children to play a part in the day-to-day work on farms, partly to learn essential craft skills for ensuring the long-term sustainability of farms and local agricultural communities. Nevertheless, the Company aims to apply this commitment and principles by seeking to ensure that:
This policy statement applies to Ethimex LTD and will be reviewed periodically. It will also be circulated to associate companies and suppliers who will be encouraged to adopt the policy as best practice.