Ethimex LTD is committed to meeting its consumer needs in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way.
We are a global trader & distributor of ethanol and our operations are spread across a diverse geography of countries. We are committed to operating responsibly in both the direct operations that we control and throughout the wider supply chain that we influence. Responsibility is one of the cornerstones of our strategy and we believe that good environmental practice is good business practice.
To this end, we have implemented an environmental management policy.
Furthermore, we will:
This policy statement applies to Ethimex LTD operating companies, affiliates.
Ethimex LTD prides itself on being a responsible company, regardless of the geographical location.
As a leading ethanol business, we recognise the paramount importance of the health, safety and welfare of all employees and non-company personnel in the successful conduct of our business. We are therefore committed to the prevention of injury and ill-health and strive for continual improvement in our health and safety management and performance, through setting clear objectives.
Ethimex LTD believes in the active participation of each employee and others as appropriate, in promoting, achieving and maintaining the highest standards of health and safety, in so far as it is reasonably practicable.
We will provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all employees and other associated personnel; and provide instruction, training and supervision as may be required for this purpose. Our approach will be based on hazard identification, for the purpose of effectively controlling health and safety risks in the workplace.
Ethimex LTD will meet its applicable health and safety legal and other obligations to employees who may be affected by its business activities. All staff regardless of their level in the organisation must take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others whilst at work, and co-operate fully with the Company in all health and safety related matters.
Arrangements for carrying out our commitments will incorporate consultation with appropriate staff and others, and reference will be made to practical guidance and approved codes of practice.
This policy statement, its commitments and implementing measures will be kept under review and updated, as often as may be appropriate to ensure our objectives are achieved. Any revision will be published by the Company and brought to the notice of all employees and other relevant personnel.